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Professor Sung awarded 2023 IMS New Researcher Travel Award

Congratulations to STT Professor Chih-Li Sung for winning a 2023 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) New Researcher Travel Award. The award provides funding to IMS members who have received their Ph.D. within the past five years to attend any IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting where they will present a paper or poster.

"I'm thrilled and honored to have been selected as a recipient of the IMS New Researcher Travel Award! This award will provide me with the opportunity to attend the 2023 ICSDS conference and present my paper," said Dr. Sung. "I am grateful for the recognition of my hard work and potential, and I am eager to contribute to the community by sharing my findings. I look forward to the experience and am excited to see what opportunities this conference will bring. Thank you to the IMS for their support, and I hope to make the most of this opportunity."

"I am extremely proud of Dr. Chih-Li Sung being selected as the 2023 recipient of the New Research Travel Award from IMS, " said Dr. Lyudmila Sakhanenko, STT interim chair. "He was just one of 15 winners of this prestigious award this year. I am glad that Dr. Sung plans to use this award to present his recent research results at IMS International conference on Statistics and Data Science in December of 2023. Looking forward to it!"

To see the list of 2023 award recipients, please visit https://imstat.org/2023/04/18/ims-announces-2023-recipients-of-the-new-researcher-travel-awards/

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